Are You Prepared To Go The Distance For ShelterBox?

Calling all runners! Fun-Runners, marathon runners and anyone else mad enough to run anywhere when they don’t have to!

Are you planning to take part in running event? It may be your local half-marathon it could be the City to Surf. Why not do it for a good cause and raise money for ShelterBox? Your efforts will help provide Shelter, Warmth & Dignity to families that have lost their homes to disaster.

ShelterBox Response Team member and Rotarian, Peter Pearce with his specially adapted ShelterBox

ShelterBox Response Team member and Rotarian, Peter Pearce with his specially adapted ShelterBox

For those that want to up the ante, why not complete the run with a ShelterBox on your back? ShelterBox Response Team member and Rotarian, Peter Pearce completed the London marathon last year doing just that. As well as raising the profile of ShelterBox, Peter managed to collect money enough to sponsor 2 Shelterboxes in memorandum of Lincoln Hall, the late Patron of ShelterBox Australia.

For more information on running for ShelterBox and help with your fundraising please contact